Capital gains tax (CGT)

Capital gains tax

Capital Gains made on the sale of a business, shares or a property often considerably exceed the available tax-free allowances. Here, careful planning and expert advice will ensure that transactions are structured as tax efficiently as possible. This will help to minimise any Capital Gains Tax that may occur.

This Capital Gains Annual Allowance is the amount of gains that an individual can make from the sale of their asset in any tax year, before being taxed. In certain circumstances, married couples can pool their allowances. For businesses and individuals, end of year tax planning is vital to ensure all available tax reliefs are utilised.

We regularly advise individuals on their Capital Gains Tax liabilities. This can be from the disposal of personal possessions, shares or often the sale of a second property. Whether this be a buy-to-let property or where an individual has become an accidental landlord, through marriage or inheritance. 

In all cases, we provide expert advice on the most tax effective way to minimise an individual’s tax burden.